Just ten miles from the bustling,
affluent streets of downtown Tel Aviv lies the mixed city of Lid. Lid, unlike Tel Aviv, is not known for its cafes,
beaches or open-minded society, but rather for its high crime rate, poverty and inter-religious tensions. Although the community
is mixed in terms of numbers, the Jewish and Palestinian Arab residents are
separated, geographically and politically, and are treated
differently by the Lid local authorities and Israeli government
In recent years, Israeli government officials and Lid local authorities have proposed “strengthening”the city of Lid by promoting building projects for exclusively Jewish neighborhoods. Government ministers
such as Avigor Lieberman and Eli Yishai continuously push for the
development of neighborhoods exclusively for discharged soldiers (i.e. Jewish
citizens) and Jewish religious nationalists. In 2010, the local authorities
built a wall between Jewish and Palestinian Arab neighborhoods in order to
prevent the spread of 'illegal' Arab houses.
70% of Palestinian Arab families in Lid are forced to build 'illegally.' This means that 70% of the Arab houses in Lid are under threat of demolition and do not receive basic services from the government. With piles of rubble and trash lining the streets, many describe the Arab areas of Lid as resembling a town in Gaza.
70% of Palestinian Arab families in Lid are forced to build 'illegally.' This means that 70% of the Arab houses in Lid are under threat of demolition and do not receive basic services from the government. With piles of rubble and trash lining the streets, many describe the Arab areas of Lid as resembling a town in Gaza.
Ihab Issa, a local activist involved in
education and housing issues, told us that the problem of housing for
Palestinian Arab citizens of Lid lies in the fact that there have not been any
new government plans to allow for the natural growth of Arab
neighborhoods. He said that local authorities claim that
'illegal' houses must be removed because they lie between Tel
Aviv and empty fields that can be used for 'development projects.'
Ihab wishes that the government would approve the houses built in
Arab areas so that the Arab community could contribute to
'development' by building legally.
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From Left to Right: Ihab Issa, Rami Abu Eid and Sabri Abu Eid |
In December 2010, an extended family of 60
persons was completed devastated by this problem
when all of seven of their homes were demolished, unannounced, by an order
from the ILA (see Glossary of Terms). Please watch the video below
to hear their story:
According to Ihab and Rami, the initial
demolition was carried out by tens of police which surrounded the
homes, blocked the street, and declared the area a closed military
zone. The Abu Eid family had only learned that their privately owned
land, which had been registered since the British Mandate, was
confiscated by the ILA in 1995 on the day police came to deliver their warrant for
demolition. The warrant stated that the ILA would demolish the homes
in 6 months; in reality, their houses were demolished the next day.
Because the family was completely
unprepared for the demolitions, members of the family tried to push
past the police blocking the entrances to their homes in order to
retrieve money and items of sentimental value. As a result, Rami's
father and brother were arrested and Rami's brother was beaten on the
head. The 60 family members that were displaced by the demolition
were taken in by their grandparents and neighbors while they tried to
build caravans in place of their original houses.
When they came to hit us, I said to myself, this is not a state. Every time I watch the news on TV, I never see Jews demolishing other Jews' houses. What kind of state is this? Is this a country with a rule of law?
- Rami Abu Eid
Ihab told us that the Lid municipality
recently drafted of a new city master plan. Unfortunately, the plan,
which is meant to account for city planning for the next 25 years,
predicts that the Arab community in Lid will only grow to 30,000
people. According to Ihab, the current Arab population is around 24,000
people and with consideration of population's birth rate, the
Arab community should reach to 120,000 people in 25 years.
A proper city master plan for Lid would
not only legalize thousands of houses, but would also account for
essential infrastructure lacking in the Arab neighborhoods. One
resident, Yousef, described to us the struggle the Arab community in
Lid has fought for the building of a community center.
Click here to listen to Yousef:
Transcript in English:
We pay taxes...taxes which are in very extreme amounts...we pay them. But the problem is that our own taxes don’t come back to us. I mean you take the taxes from here, then you repair the situation there... but the repairing for us here is very small, and they (the members of the local municipality) say you don’t deserve it. I mean, (they say) I'm doing you a favor by doing this little thing. They repair this pit here, and thinks he's doing us a favor. But I pay taxes. I pay all Arnona (municipal taxes), the taxes, all the dues on me from the state…and for the municipalities, everything. But I don’t get anything.
In 2008, Mayor Elan Harari, in front of 380 students and their families, I mean, around 1000 people were here, he said, I will build you a Matnas (a community center). A mini community center, I mean a small community center. Also in front of little children, he says, I will do this for you… so the children got excited… but I see that you haven't started yet. (He said) he would give the key in 2009 to the residents of the neighborhood.
We go and ask him about it… then (we discover that) he quit, someone else replaced him: Munir Nitzan. So we tell him we met in the Knesset about this thing…and what does he say? 'We are looking for land on which we can build a community center for the Arab sector.' But look here is the land! Here is the land, it exists here for the community center. This exists for the community center! (points to open plot of land near Arab elementary school)
Sewage running through the streets just across from Arab elementary school
Open potholes outside Arab elementary school
Arab kindergarten that was burned in a fire in 2011 that has yet to be rebuilt